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  Full UPS or small sheet
Posted by: CarlosPindle - 12-15-2015, 01:53 PM - Forum: General Topics Here - Replies (2)

Hello everyone,

The full sized UPS are ok but I like to use a small 8-1/2 x 11 sheet printed off or just making one using Bowditch method in Chapter 26- Emergency Navigation section 2603.  Very easy to make one.

Carlos P.

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  Venus magnitude -4.0
Posted by: CarlosPindle - 12-15-2015, 01:32 PM - Forum: The Sight Reduction process - Replies (11)

Hello all,

Got a series of good shots of Venus this morning at around UTC 11 and will be trying my first planet sight reduction.

In The Nautical Almanac, for Venus, there's a "v" correction.  I understand how it's to be obtained through the Increments and Corrections but do not know what the "v" stands for?

Good day,


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  Pub. No. 249 Vol. 1 Stars
Posted by: c_davidson - 12-15-2015, 12:46 PM - Forum: The Sight Reduction process - Replies (3)

It would be nice if Pub. No. 249 Vol. 1 could be compiled for the Sun too.  Man, you could do a sight reduction in a couple of minutes!

Clendon D.

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  Pub. No. 249
Posted by: LouisC - 12-15-2015, 03:15 AM - Forum: General Topics Here - Replies (3)

Pub. No. 249 makes life easier as I only need about 10 degrees of Latitude Same Name sheets.  Guess what time of year we sail?

We do mostly Sun sights and Stars using Vol. 1.

The celestaire Vol.1 epoch 2015 stars print out badly.  It always look motled and not sharp like vol. 2 and 3.  You get what you pay for.


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  Does anyone really shoot the Moon?
Posted by: Rdutton - 12-15-2015, 02:43 AM - Forum: The Sight Reduction process - Replies (8)

The moon's easy to shoot but does anyone bother with it?

Probably, if it's the only object available- ya got ta' take what you can.

R D.

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  Small t-square
Posted by: Fred_B - 12-15-2015, 02:30 AM - Forum: General Topics Here - No Replies

For plotting I use mini-parallel rules and a small t-plotter from some scrap plexiglas.  Works good.


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  CelNav again at USNA
Posted by: Fred_B - 12-15-2015, 02:28 AM - Forum: General Topics Here - Replies (1)

Hey, looks like the Naval academy is going to teach CelNav.

Surprise surprise!

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  Pencil or pens- which to use
Posted by: Fred_B - 12-15-2015, 02:23 AM - Forum: The Sight Reduction process - Replies (4)

New member here.

Which do you prefer to use during CelNav work- a pencil or a pen?

Me?  A #2 mechanical pencil from Walmart.

Cheap replacement lead can be bought at DollarTree.

Good stuff.


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  What kind of boat do you have?
Posted by: P.Rutherford - 12-15-2015, 01:50 AM - Forum: General Topics Here - Replies (3)

I assume we're all sailors here.

What kind of boat do you have?

What's your location?

I've got Catalina 30 Mk III Tall-rig.

Location- Palm Beach, FLA but I'm selling the boat (with any luck next week) and moving this Spring- North!

Paul R.

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  Writing down sights
Posted by: LouisC - 12-14-2015, 05:01 PM - Forum: The Sight Reduction process - Replies (2)

Index cards are very handy for writing down shots- it's what I use. 

Maybe there's a quicker and easier way- what do you write the sights down on?


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