The Nautical Almanac
The free online Nautical Almanac
The world's most complete source of free celestial navigation information

The Nautical Almanac
1911, 1916, 1981 & 1999 through 2025

The Sun only Almanac
2015 through 2025

Lunar Distance Tables & Charts

2020 through 2025

Everything you need for 2024
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Essential Celestial Navigation downloads

Increments & Corrections, Altitude Corrections & Polaris Q Corrections

Sight Reduction Tables
  • PUB. NO. 249  Epoch 2025
         (download individual Latitudes or Volumes)
    (courtesy of Celestaire) (also known as Ho- 249
  • PUB. NO. 249  Epoch 2020
         (download individual Latitudes or Volumes)
    (courtesy of Celestaire) (also known as Ho- 249)

  • PUB. NO. 229  (download individual volumes) (also known as Ho- 229)

             from The Air Almanac 2024

    Complete Sun & Star sight reduction Procedure

‣  Methods & Forms

‣  Formulas for Celestial Navigation

‣  Artificial Horizon

‣  Useful Links

‣  Astron Astro Navigation Almanac and Sight Reduction calculator for sextant users
        Use in web browser.  Courtesy of Mr. Bill Ritchie

‣     Sun Sight Reduction Excel Spreadsheet
            A Sun sight reduction program!  From

Celestial Navigation Forum
            Discuss and learn about Celestial Navigation- All are welcome

American Practical Navigator

Organized in a useful manner
Download the Chapters, Parts or Tables you want or the entire work

Bowditch 2019


Bicentennial Edition

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fair winds, clear skies & following seas