The Nautical Almanac
The free online Nautical Almanac
The world's most complete source of free celestial navigation information

The Nautical Almanacs and Sun Almanacs listed at the top of our site were created or derived from a program written by the great Norwegian sailor Enno Rodegerdts.  Without his work this site wouldn't exist.

Many thanks to Mr. Andrew Bauer for his work and excellent improvements made in the development of the programs which generate The Nautical Almanac found on our site.

Disclaimer and Warning

Prior to use verify the accuracy of The Nautical Almanac or data you download from this site.  They SHOULD NOT and MUST NOT be relied upon for celestial navigation work of any sorts or any purpose whatsoever.  You use them at your own risk or peril.
Copyright Notice

All material on this website, except Pub. 229 & Pub. 249, or where copyright is imprinted, is the property of  You are free to copy and distribute, but not sell, any material on these webpages provided attribution to the is included.

...freely ye received, freely give...

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fair winds, clear skies
following seas

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