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Its 22 14 00 gmt dec 27.  That's 06 23 00 local.  I  was up before nautical twilight to shoot venus, spica, and perhaps regulus, but there was complete overcast.  Now that rainy season is over we're getting all the rain we missed during rainy season.  Let's hope the rest of the day isn't as frustrating... Maybe I'm getting too old for this business.  Naw. You're only too old if you can't see the sun through the sextant.   I have a hankerin to go to sea... anyone wanna go?  Who's gotta boat I can borrow?


PS 21 09 00 now and still overcast... just not my day for CN. I wonder if at sea how long I could go without a fix before I'd get nervous. I suppose that might depend on how close I thought I was to some obstruction - like a continent.
I love that...."Now that rainy season is over we're getting all the rain we missed during rainy season."

Go to sea?! I'm with you! Not having a boat is a problem. I sold mine this Summer and I still can't believe it sold! The US "economy", or what's left of it, provides a great opportunity to purchase a sailboat. Got an email from a yacht dealer in Annapolis who provided the price of several Dufour boats. Paraphrasing my reply it went something like this, "what nice boats! I'll give you 50% of the selling price". Truthfully, my fear was he'd say "ok".

Before a fix? Hmm. I'd be sweating when DR put me about 200 miles from land. But, from my understanding, sailors of old had a daily Rum ration. No doubt old sailing traditions must be kept. So once feeling "safe" after drinking "liquid courage" there wouldn't be much to worry about....sort of.

When I lived in the keys the guy I worked for told me there were abandoned boats all over the Caribbean. I was a marine electronics tech at the time and kept my ears open but I never caught wind of anything except an abandoned ketch somewhere in the keys... I went to look but it was a gonner. I almost got a sunken boat from the katrina hurricane, my neighbor got a nice 35ft with a gash in the side. Just pennies on the sawbuck.

Now I await an abandoned boat here in pi. Someday some tired sailor sick of his gf is gonna throw me the keys and fly home.

200 nm sounds reasonable. Thats maybe 30 hours out.


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