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2017 Bowditch- The American Practical Navigator
Bowditch 2017 has just been uploaded to the site.

2017 Bowditch- American Practical Navigator

It's organized sequentially by each volume's chapters and tables.

National Geospatial doesn't provide individual chapter download.

Hope you like it. 

Thanks, CelNav57.

In addition to better format I also found that it corrected some errors , especially in examples re: apparent and true wind vectors. It is always good to know that someone really reviewed the text before new edition is published.
I haven't read the 2017 edition yet, but I'll tell you that the 2019 edition sucks.

While reading the 2019 piloting chapter I got dizzy repeating the million s/he pronouns for navigator.   Stupid landlubber PC weirdos haven't yet learned that using HE as a pronoun to describe him and/or her is perfect english (Strunk and White). Next thing you know the politically correct nurds will use s/he as a pronoun for a ship. 

May god have mercy on s/he libtards.
Excellent comment!

What about "it"?

I'm tired of looking at the qr codes.

God, bring us back to the days of chairMAN or chairWOMAN.

Bowditch is very helpful and the price is right (free). The suggestion of using paper and pencil, such as in the Sight Reduction chapter, always makes me smile. No batteries is a happy world.


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