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new artificial horizon
That's a very good idea. Here's something to make it, sometimes, easier (which you probably already know);

- Setup your horizon as mentioned.
- From the location on your property where you'll be taking the actual observations (where your 2 feet stand) use the Sun to determine your exact latitude, or, set your sextant to the reading of Ho (yes, Ho) and measure the Sun's altitude at the time when the Sun's on your meridian. The error between Ho and Hs will indicate your He (Height of Eye) figure that should be somewhat constant. Take into consideration breathing also- when you inhale you become taller and it's enough to effect your observation. So, inhale, then take the shot.

It will be a different figure if you have shoes on and then make another observation with your shoes off.

I've used your method for determining latitude except mine's not a improved as yours is. Meridian passage is calculated and then I just use a fence rail as the horizon. All sights are taken from a common point- our sidewalk with me wearing no shoes.

Your string and light idea is perfect.


Messages In This Thread
new artificial horizon - by pabrides - 02-27-2021, 07:11 PM
RE: new artificial horizon - by EdCa - 02-27-2021, 07:28 PM
RE: new artificial horizon - by craigsl - 03-02-2021, 12:34 AM
RE: new artificial horizon - by pabrides - 03-02-2021, 04:04 AM

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