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North Magnetic Pole just crossed Prime Meridian
(02-12-2021, 12:47 PM)CarlosPindle Wrote:
(02-12-2021, 07:51 AM)pabrides Wrote:
(02-12-2021, 01:19 AM)Fred_B Wrote: Had no idea the magnetic pole moved that much.  Speaking of compasses- compasses that are useful in one hemisphere (Northern or Southern) are useless in another....from what I've heard.


Hi Fred

I guess its just one of those things we have to be aware of.

When I started flying the max variation was about 15 degrees.  Looks like these days it's about 5 degrees but increasing. However, if you confuse east and west variation you could double the error. 

Keeping track of Variation kinda makes navigation interesting. Coastal piloting would be boring without it, as was the case here in cebu.  I'm happy to see my variation change - I get to update my important magnetic bearing fixes.

Do you have any references concerning the north and south compasses?



This is just a quick explanation;


It seems a compass needle that tries to point to the North magnetic pole will have the compass card dip down when it's below the equator.


Hi Carlos,

I'm pretty sure the fact checkers at whatever school is using that curriculum haven't been too particular...  Just goes to show the rediculous nonsense union teachers are pouring into kids today.

There is such a thing as dip, but it is not very pronounsed.. Compass cards in ships have a greater difficulty countering pitch and roll - not to mention aircraft.  The south end of a needle is attracted  south in the same way the north needle is to the north.  The variation in dip is practically insignificant.   I think the writer took a few liberties with the photos to perhaps dramatize the effect.


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RE: North Magnetic Pole just crossed Prime Meridian - by pabrides - 02-16-2021, 12:16 PM

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