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Curious old navy math techniques.
Thank  you.

You  are  right.,  i can't  imagine  anyone using  a caliper ,  even  micrometer,  to  get  more than  two decimal.  Yes,  one may  get  it  and  what? To boast  about  it  to a  first blonde  in a  Singles?  What  about  that  little  drum  ona  sextant?  There is  practicality in  everything, at  least  I see  it  this  way,  in  navig  that  preclude  us  of scientific  exorcises  Just  Because.  I  think  nobody  expressed  it  better  than  great  CAptain  Lecky  in  his  Wrinkles  in  Practical  NAvigation. When  he  conducted  some  experiments  ona  shore-there  was a  very  good  practical reason  why  did  he  do  it.

The  book  you  found  in  pdf  format is  much better  than  the  one  I have  written  about.  I  mean  by  content.  The  book  I  have  in  my  possession  is  oriented  on  students  who  like  math like a bride  likes a  pimples  on  her  face.  Not they were  hating  it. No  They  just  did not  know it. I  tried  to  follow  some  directions  and  i  have so  much  sympathy  for  those  miserables.  It  is  detailed,  kind  of  intuitive,  but  for  me  it  was difficult. Again,  just a  historical  one.  

Am  a  big  fan  of  Sir  Winston.  HAve  quite  a  lot  of  books written  by  him  and  a little  bit  about  him.  He  was  The Personality  in  the  best  meaning  of  this  word.  His career took  ups  and  downs  many  times. And  his  childhood  was  kind  of  specific.  But  nobody  can  deprive  him  ofm  his  personal  courage  and absolutely  fantastic determination. just  one  fact  .  He  flew  to  the  US  to  the  meeting  with  FDR duing  the  war in a  military  cargo  plane  and  his  personal doctor  was  next  to  him  because  of a real  possibility  of  cardiac  arest. In  Casablanka  he  almost  died from a  bout  of  pnemonia  and still was  able  to  conduct important  meeting.  Exceptional  man. Yes,  made  mistakes. And  who  didn't .  Anyway,  believe  it  or  not,  even  in  Soviet  Russia  when  asked  whom  they  considered the  greatest  person  of  20 century  Russians answered Churchill,  not  Uncle  Joe.  Tells a lot. 

Live  in  States.

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Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-03-2021, 02:48 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-03-2021, 04:48 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-03-2021, 06:53 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-03-2021, 05:49 PM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-09-2021, 03:42 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-12-2021, 03:29 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-13-2021, 05:00 PM

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