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Curious old navy math techniques.
Of course,  I  do  believe that  slide  ruler  can  be  customized  to any  size  of  inner  pocket  or a  briefcase.  Sir  Winston' technical  adviser  always  had  one  slide  ruler  in  his  pocket.  Just  in a  case. Once  they were  sitting  in  the empty  hall waiting for a meeting  to  start.  Sir  Winston  asked  his Science-technical  advisor:  Can  you  tell  me  how  much  whiskey  did  I  drink  in  my  lifetime?  His  technical  advisor  took  his  truthful   slide  ruler,  made  some  estimations and said: Well,  My  Lord,  it  would  fill this  room  up to  the  arm-chair  height."  Sir  Winston  took a look  at  the  arm-chair  then  raised  his  eye  to  the  celling  and  said:  Damn,  so  much  to  do  and  so  little  time  left."  Yes,  slide rulers  are  very  handy.  Not  sure 4 decimals  are  needle.  Most  engineering  calcs  I  did  during  my  career required two  decimals only.,  NAvig  trig  would  not  require  more.  Anyway,  plotting  anything less that a thickness of a  pencil  lead  or compass  needle  isn't not  practical  and  a little bit  ona  side of  early  paranoya.

Yes,  I  will  scan n  a  Table  of Content.  Will  be  sometimes  next week.  And  I  think  the  fact  other members  are  reading  the  posts is a  very good  sign. Unless it  is a very  specific  navig.  question/problem  they  just read  such  stuff  like  this  one  for  info  only. But  if  you  ask a specific  nav.  question-you  will  get very  qualified and  friendly responses. My  personal  experience.
NO,  I'm not  from  Czechoslovakia. Never been  over  there  but consider  its capital,  Prague  a heart  of  Europe. And  this  is  NOT  my  opinion.  It  is well-known  fact.  Cultural  and  historical for  sure.  I  don't  want  to  discuss  what  is  going  on  in  Europe  anyway,  just  waste  of  time  and space,   and Czech  republic is not  an  exception.  Too  obvious  and  very sad. One  of my favorite   authors  is  from  that  country.  And  of  course  my relatives-4th  generation  Americans  also  arrived  to these  shores  on a  steamer.  Boing flights were  overbooked.

Messages In This Thread
Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-03-2021, 02:48 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-03-2021, 04:48 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-03-2021, 06:53 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-03-2021, 05:49 PM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-09-2021, 03:42 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-12-2021, 03:29 AM
RE: Curious old navy math techniques. - by Rumata - 02-13-2021, 05:00 PM

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