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Haversines have been very useful especially with the Doniol method.  CelNav and Lou worked this stuff out a while back.


In calculating distance between 2 points on a sphere here's the formula I use;

Distance = 90 – Sin-1(sin(Destination latitude) x sin(Your present latitude) + cos(Destination latitude) x cos(Your present latitude) x cos(Difference in longitude between Your Location and Destination Location)

Multiply answer by 60 to get Nautical miles.   If you look at the formula closely you'll recognize it as quite similar to the Hc formula but uses destination latitude and present latitude for declination and present latitude.

It's simple....like radar.


Messages In This Thread
Haversine - by pabrides - 12-27-2020, 01:43 PM
RE: Haversine - by P.Rutherford - 12-29-2020, 11:58 AM

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