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Celestial Nav problem I can't solve
Hello All and especially Ray....welcome aboard!

My guess is they're using Ho-229 to solve the problem.  Look at these pages from Pub. 229 Volume 2 page 339 to get Hc d and Z.  For interpolation of "d" see Pub. 229 Volume 2 page 2.  The pages are attached below.

As you'll see quickly that 229 is a bit closer to an accurate figure than Pub. 249.  You may find some difficulty in correcting "d" but look at the interpolation table and it'll be easy. 

Very quickly I got an Hc of 13° 54.9' which when compared to Ho of 13° 46.5'  produced an Intercept of 8.4 Away. The trick in getting that figure was correct use of 229's Interpolation Table.  I might be off by 0.1' as I'm not exactly sure how to use the "double second correction".

The Z figure (which of course will equal Zn) is 122.7°  (equal to the Zn in the problem)

Get the entire Pub. No. 229 here- Pub. No. 229

.pdf   Ho-229 Vol. 2 page 339.pdf (Size: 42.12 KB / Downloads: 365)
.pdf   Ho-229 Vol. 2 page 2 Interpolation.pdf (Size: 30.29 KB / Downloads: 348)

I  hope that clears things up for you.


Messages In This Thread
Celestial Nav problem I can't solve - by RayCam - 04-28-2020, 12:47 PM
RE: Celestial Nav problem I can't solve - by EdCa - 04-29-2020, 01:46 AM
RE: Celestial Nav problem I can't solve - by LouisC - 04-30-2020, 09:20 PM

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