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The North Pole no longer wanders - it runs
(02-09-2019, 01:30 AM)Fred_B Wrote: This is fascinating!  Part of Amundsen's Northwest Passage expedition (1903-1906) was to find the position of the Magnetic North Pole in which they were successful- near Boothia Peninsula.  It had been assumed that the Magnetic Pole moved from Ross's discovery of it in 1831.

From Rumata's excellent article I'm left speechless in considering the dynamics of the Earth.  The Magnetic Pole moves?!  Incredible!  In a straight line for so many years?  

I've read that compasses used in the Northern Hemisphere will not work in the Southern Hemisphere because of needle "dip"- the needle wanting to point down to the surface of the place where you are.

Nice article, Rumata, many thanks.


Thank you, Fred, but I just took the article from the German newspaper, used Google for a very rough translation into English and made very light editing.  But you are right- the Magnetic Pole tendency in moving THIS way is just astonishing.  We live in a very interesting times. 

On the other subject:  I read  some stuff about Great Amundsen, ( you've mentioned him) really one of the greatest explorers. And quite recently I read about his first winter experience in Hardarregviddo ( or something like this) -which almost 100 km long high mountain plateau west of Oslo .  In, I think, 1895 he and his brother made first cross country ski trek across this Moon-like landscape  taking with them just very heavy sleeping bags (instead of  2 days it took them 8).  Rual's ability to take bearings and find the way in the total whiteout helped him a lot in his future trip to Antarctica.  And instead of forgetting not very cheerful  experience and return to a normal life, he strengthened his desire to become an Arctic explorer.  And when anyone just compare his preparation to run to the South Pole and Robert Scott' preparation for the same-  the difference was very simple: life and success vs extreme misery and death.  

I know it has nothing to do with celestial navigation and sight reduction in particular, but our knowledge in navigation came from people who turned their practical , real life/death experience in methods and formulas we are still using.  And am sure will use always.

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RE: The North Pole no longer wanders - it runs - by Rumata - 02-09-2019, 07:30 PM

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