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A good night for Practice..
This is a heads - up , shipmates...

Have you ever seen Mars before?  How about Saturn?  How about Venus?  How about Jupiter?

Well, two of them, Mars and Saturn, are laying close to the moon tonight.... especially Mars - that big beautiful red planet that is the next farthest from the sun after Earth.  Tonight, being the 19th of Sept, you can see Mars just about half a degree or so from the edge of the waxing moon.  Saturn lays just a few degrees to the East of those two. 

Mars and Saturn are about the brightest objects up there and easily identified.  And if you can see Venus in the evening sky as well you will have a wonderful opportunity to get shots of these four bodies at about the same time.  If you can locate Jupiter that makes 5 interesting targets that will give you hours of great planet and moon reduction practice.  Jupiter will be just above and to the left of Venus in the evening sky.  


good hunting

Messages In This Thread
A good night for Practice.. - by pabrides - 09-19-2018, 07:34 AM
RE: A good night for Practice.. - by pabrides - 09-20-2018, 08:14 AM
RE: A good night for Practice.. - by CarlosPindle - 09-23-2018, 12:07 AM

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