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What IS Heaven?
I was walking down the pier and wharf in Cordova on our little island when I stopped at a local eatery to wet my whistle and water my dogs...  I entered into a conversation with a local or three where we ended up  talking about great dogs.  I told them about the success I had with the local breeds in that they are very bright, easy to train, and loyal.  My example was not only my black dog, Poker, but another tan Philippine dog that I buried with full honors just a year and a half ago (Feebee).  Then one of the men said something that reminded me of something the Pope said; "All good dogs go to heaven" which I repeated. 

I then got a response that made me think... and think some more.

When I lived in Chicago and felt in a religious mood; when I began to think about what heaven must be like I indeed had the impression that heaven must be a warm beach with plenty of tropical fruits and beautiful girls in trim bikinis to lust after.  However, at the time of this latest religious foray this young man said to me that heaven must be a cool place with plenty of hot coffee to drink. Wow... I thought afterwards - Here I am in that tropical heaven I wished for as a youth with plenty of fruit and well - pretty girls that I try not to lust after, but this man's impression of Heaven was Chicago... or Canada... or Alaska... Places where Ive lived and had plenty enough of. 

So what's my point???  I dont know, really... Im still thinking about it... and heaven... What exactly IS it I still wonder?  Obviously it means a lot of different things to lots of different people... But more importantly it means that the church has failed to explain satisfactorily exactly what's in store after that singular yet unavoidable eventuality - an exact knowledge of the here-after; that part of earthly life that everyone dreads...... the end.

I hope, then, when its my time to embark on that great heavenly voyage, that I see Feebee again so I can ask her to forgive me for training her so hard, and also, perhaps, to learn better how to forgive as I would like to be forgiven. 

The dogs and I soon departed for home leaving my new comrades to ponder for themselves the meaning of life and death - and how best to feed their families.  Im wondering now how to keep my animals more comfortable, and how, while Im still around,  to help  fill my Philippine wife  with joy.  Lord knows shes done all she can to reciprocate.


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What IS Heaven? - by pabrides - 08-24-2018, 01:50 PM

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