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Use it or lose it!
Ok.... so this is not a humorous or funny post, but I wanted to tell you a true story about opportunities and conveniences that we sometimes lose from misuse or disuse.

Sometime back I was walking by a local neighborhood store with my wife when I stopped and asked her to wait a moment...  I went in and bought a coke and some gum.  When I came outside my wife asked why I bought those items when we could have bought them for a few pesos cheaper at the grocery store.

I told her that she was absolutely right...  However, I told her that I sometimes spend a few pesos at that corner store just to support them because someday when Im in a hurry I might need something quickly when I dont have time to run all the way to the big grocery store, and that she should sometimes spend some money at that local store too.

My wife then proceeded to tell me about a little seldom used store around the corner from where she lived when she went to college... that one day she quickly needed some women's supplies, but when she went to that corner store it was already out-of-business.  

I said, "you just made my point, honey." Her mouth twitched side to side... I added, "You took that store for granted."

I look at this forum the same way...  I feel lucky to be a part of it... and I know the administrators care about the site and the quality of the membership.  I know because they asked me to explain my interest in CN before they let me be a member.  I like that.

I feel as though I would lose something precious if this forum ever disappeared never to return.  I know there are good people here who have the same interest in Celestial navigation - and that makes me feel a little less lonely in the world. 

I hope you see what Im driving at.  We are all busy, but if we want to keep the friends we have and the site where we know we can find them, then we need to work at it - or we're gonna lose our opportunity.  I suggest that we use this site, and contribute to it, or it may not one day be here... and that would be a very tragic loss.
By contribute I dont necessarily mean money... I mean contribute your thoughts, ideas, experiences, and life's lessons.

Messages In This Thread
Use it or lose it! - by pabrides - 07-29-2018, 01:08 PM

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