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Astron Excel sight reduction manual almanac
Ed, thank you. I wasn't too attentive and missed that cell. I'll put in real numbers and check it against my paper calcs. Also, I wrongly considered that index error was "sign-indifferent".  It wasn't.  As soon as I entered (-.6) as IC the spreadsheet correctly added it to the sextant's measured altitude. So, if I'll see that altitude correction number is considered in the final result-great.

Thank you again for straightening me into the right direction.

PS. Still find more fun doing all those jazz by the traditional methods, means tables, paper, and pencil.  It gives me some feeling that I'm a little bit in control. ;> ;>;>

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RE: Astron Excel sight reduction manual almanac - by Rumata - 10-02-2017, 04:43 PM

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