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Fun day on the deck
I spent a nice sunny day today plotting some sights I took of Arcturus and Jupiter the other night and then a sun sight today. They all plotted exceptionally tightly for my bubble sextant.
 And since I had nothing better to do and hadn't shot the moon in some time, I dug out some old moon sights from a few years back and re-figured them.
 When I originally shot them, I was at a friend's place in the country and took a quick opportunity to 'get the moon' as I hadn't done that yet. I didn't quite know how to do the moon sight reduction then or the v correction so it was nice to go back and re-do them and brush up all at once. To complicate things more, I had an unknown amount of index error at the time and was trying different numbers to try and get an average. So today I plugged in what I know to be the correct IC and it was good to see all the LOPs move in the right direction and get 'tightish' on the location I had been at when I took the sights. 

Ahhh, fun times, lol.
I used to be a normal person, then I discovered how to locate myself on this planet using a star.

Messages In This Thread
Fun day on the deck - by BigBill - 04-02-2017, 09:58 PM
RE: Fun day on the deck - by LouisC - 04-04-2017, 02:12 AM
RE: Fun day on the deck - by BigBill - 04-04-2017, 04:55 AM
RE: Fun day on the deck - by P.Rutherford - 04-04-2017, 11:23 AM
RE: Fun day on the deck - by BigBill - 04-04-2017, 02:57 PM

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