02-24-2025, 12:54 PM
In practice Pub. 249 is faster to use but Pub. 229 will provide more precise results.
249 was designed for Air navigation since aircraft move much faster than a sailboat or ship and a position, fix or LOP is always way behind you and must be adjusted for the distance from the shot taken and estimated present position. 229 was made for marine navigation but, for our purposes, it doesn't really matter which you use. For sailors, accuracy of a position is often decided by the accuracy of the shot and the sextant's state of adjustment.
Now Pub. No. 249 Volume 1 is for navigational stars is is really easy and quick. However, Volume 1 must be updated to the latest version after a certain number of years.
Having said that, Pub No. 249 is the only one I use and not Pub. No. 229. In terms of overall size- 249 is found in 3 volumes and 229 is 6 volumes- that's a lot of paper.
With 249 you can print out the latitudes wherein you'll be sailing.
With 229 you can print out the LHA's within latitudes of 7° (regardless- that's a lot of paper). Or....you can carry the 229 volumes you need (more paper)
You can find both 249 and 229 here;
Pub. No. 249
Pub. No. 229
249 was designed for Air navigation since aircraft move much faster than a sailboat or ship and a position, fix or LOP is always way behind you and must be adjusted for the distance from the shot taken and estimated present position. 229 was made for marine navigation but, for our purposes, it doesn't really matter which you use. For sailors, accuracy of a position is often decided by the accuracy of the shot and the sextant's state of adjustment.
Now Pub. No. 249 Volume 1 is for navigational stars is is really easy and quick. However, Volume 1 must be updated to the latest version after a certain number of years.
Having said that, Pub No. 249 is the only one I use and not Pub. No. 229. In terms of overall size- 249 is found in 3 volumes and 229 is 6 volumes- that's a lot of paper.
With 249 you can print out the latitudes wherein you'll be sailing.
With 229 you can print out the LHA's within latitudes of 7° (regardless- that's a lot of paper). Or....you can carry the 229 volumes you need (more paper)
You can find both 249 and 229 here;
Pub. No. 249
Pub. No. 229