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Sight Reduction Tables Pub 229 v Pub 249
Over the winter I have been getting my Celestial Navigation up to speed.

I have a few passages planned over the summer that I will have time to do some old fashioned navigation with sextant and universal plotting sheets. Ultimately this is for a RYA Ocean Ticket sometime in the future.

I've been looking at both the Pub 229 - Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation and Pub 249 - Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation.

While both publications have the same data with different layouts I would be interested to hear if anybody has a preference or is it just what you are used to?
Retired cynical Scottish corrie-fisted engineer ocean sailor.

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Sight Reduction Tables Pub 229 v Pub 249 - by Sailing Aphrodite - 02-24-2025, 10:03 AM

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