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Nories tables?
The Nories tables sounds intriguing, precision to 1/10th of a minute.  I've never heard of them before and was cruising through the Celestaire catalog when I ran across the book for sale. Just wondering if anyone has experience with them.

Hope it's okay to post a link.
I used to be a normal person, then I discovered how to locate myself on this planet using a star.

Yes, I'm familiar with them though I've never tried them. Like Doniol many swear by them and others swear at them. Though not certain you might be able to find them over at;


Pretty sure I've seen them for free online someplace...just can't remember where.

Good luck!


Here ya' go- https://archive.org/details/acompletesetnau00norigoog

...or here- http://books.google.com/books?id=OzwEAAA...t&resnum=5

Cool, thanks for the reply. I guess Celestaire has updated them (as of 2007). Not knowing anything about the tables or how to use them I was wondering if they are as accurate as claimed.
I used to be a normal person, then I discovered how to locate myself on this planet using a star.

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