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Posted by: P.Rutherford - 03-30-2017, 01:15 AM - Forum: Marine Weather - No Replies

Here's a good site for graphical weather conditions.


It would make a great a screen saver too.


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  Video- Concise Sight Reduction Tables
Posted by: CelNav57 - 03-24-2017, 12:46 PM - Forum: The Sight Reduction process - Replies (8)

BillofTheNorth has made an informative video on how to use Concise Sight Reduction Tables found in the USNO's Nautical Almanac.

It is well presented, enjoyable and very understandable.

Find it here- Nautical Almanac Tutorial / Explanation - for the layperson

Thanks, Bill


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  Need 2017 Altitude Correction Tables
Posted by: P.Rutherford - 03-22-2017, 11:40 PM - Forum: The Sight Reduction process - Replies (2)

Will someone please upload a copy of the 2017 Altitude Correction Tables?

I've been using the an old version of them- mostly for the Sun.  There isn't much difference between years, it seems.


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  Which season is it?
Posted by: c_davidson - 03-21-2017, 03:53 PM - Forum: General Topics Here - Replies (2)

For those in Southern Latitudes it's now Fall.  The Sun in South Lat. is now "Contrary name".

For those in Northern Latitudes it's now Spring.  The Sun in North Lat. is now "Same name".

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  GHA Aries Long term for years 2017-2025
Posted by: CelNav57 - 03-15-2017, 10:25 PM - Forum: GHA Aries Long term for years 2017-2025 - Replies (3)

GHA Aries Long Term for the years 2017 to 2025 has just been added to our site.

You'll find it under Essential Celestial Navigation downloads

The file is- Table 4 GHA ARIES FOR THE YEARS 2017-2025

The previous Table 4 GHA ARIES, etc....was for the years 2011 to 2019.

Let me know how you like it or any changes you'd suggest.

Clear skies,


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Posted by: BigBill - 03-11-2017, 04:20 AM - Forum: General Topics Here - Replies (5)


New guy here. I'm more of a land navigator with the sextants and was wondering if anyone had any experience or ideas about a make and model of surveyors transit that might be best suited to CelNav.
They do come up for sale from time to time and I'd like to have something in the back of my mind to keep an eye out for if I can swing the expense.


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  Bowditch 2017- The American Practical Navigator for you
Posted by: CelNav57 - 03-02-2017, 06:55 AM - Forum: Bowditch 2017- The American Practical Navigator - Replies (1)

The American Practical Navigator (Bowditch) 2017 version has just been uploaded to the site.

It's perfectly organized by Sections and Chapters allowing you to easily find and download the material you want.

You can download the entire work also.

Get it here- 2017- American Practical Navigator- Bowditch

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  Pub. No. 229 all Volumes
Posted by: CelNav57 - 02-24-2017, 02:55 PM - Forum: Pub. No. 229 - No Replies

A page has been made just for Pub. No. 229 all Volumes

You can easily download individual Volumes covering a range of latitudes.

Pub. No. 229 web page

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  Pub. No. 249- download Volumes or Latitudes. Epoch 2025
Posted by: CelNav57 - 02-24-2017, 02:53 PM - Forum: Pub. No. 249- Epoch 2025 - No Replies

A page has been made just for Pub. No. 249 Vol 1, 2 & 3

Vol. 1 is for Epoch 2025 and is provided courtesy of Celestaire.

You can easily download individual volumes or a range of Latitudes.

Pub. No. 249 Epoch 2025 web page

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  Beaufort scale
Posted by: LouisC - 02-20-2017, 04:48 PM - Forum: Marine Weather - Replies (4)

Here's a link to a description of the Beaufort scale.

My guess is if anyone here has been in a Force 12 we wont be hearing from them anymore.

Beaufort scale- Picture & description

And another example-

Beaufort scale

Here's MeteoBlue with windspeed and wind barbs;

Wind barbs and windspeed

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