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We are all interested in weather - are we not??

So here is some news about fake weather....  read it and weep. However, I whole-heartedly disagree that global warming is man made.... If that were true then there must be man on all the other planets too for they are also warming slightly.
(11-18-2018, 02:43 AM)pabrides Wrote: [ -> ]We are all interested in weather - are we not??

So here is some news about fake weather....  read it a weep. However, I whole-heartedly disagree that global warming is man made.... If that were true then there must be man on all the other planets too for they are also warming slightly.

Uh oh!  Now how do you like that?! What a coincidence!  Pretty sure the source was Bowditch 2017, that the melting of the ice near the North Pole has allowed for much increased shipping across 3 Northern routes for around 2 months of the year.  It has resulted in millions of dollars in fuel savings, shorter routes to Europe and East Coast US as there is no need to transit the Panama Canal.

As far as I'm concerned the global warming, climate change, etc, is nothing other than a veiled excuse in promoting an attempt to reduce the world's population.  Hitler, Soviet Union and Red China did it more overtly.